On Tuesday evening (10/1/24) our school Principals, Director of Educational Technology, Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent met with nearly 40 parents/guardians to discuss...
We were pleased to offer tours of CEMS & Pond Cove to nearly 50 Cape citizens. School administrators guided groups around each school to share the challenges our students and staf...
We’re proud to prioritize the health of our students, staff, and community by choosing products that meet the highest standards for safety and environmental responsibility. Why...
A graphical explanation of the safety and security elements addressed within the "Middle Ground" Middle School Design. Presented by Dr. Record during the September 10 (2024) Schoo...
A graphical explanation of the Floor Plan for the "Middle Ground" Middle School Design. Presented by Dr. Record during the September 10 (2024) School Board Regular Business Meeti...
Please click the link here to view the Facilities Department's 2024 summer projects presentation. Originally shared at the School Board Regular Business Meeting on September 10...
We were thrilled to welcome back staff today for professional development, recognition of longevity milestones (including 40 years for Mr. Brown!), a welcome back message by Board...
The District Leadership Team recently held a retreat at SMCC to kick off the 2024-2025 school year. The leaders met to build a cohesive team and prepare for the upcoming school ye...
Interim Town Manager Mike McGovern requested that Joe Cutera (Moors & Cabot) look at the $94.7M bond amount and do some updated tax impact calculations based on the changing inter...
At its special business meeting on August 15, 2024, the Cape Elizabeth School Board voted again unanimously in support of its 'Middle Ground' design. This follows the Town Counci...
The work continues with great progress. The new domestic hot water boilers serving PCMS have been successfully installed. Stripping and waxing are advancing smoothly at all three ...
Hello everyone! We've got some exciting updates this week. We are revamping the service entrance of PCMS, replacing lots of rotted wood to ensure safety and aesthetics. We’re inst...
Cape Elizabeth Maine – At a special business meeting on July 1, 2024, the Cape Elizabeth School Board voted unanimously to approve the Middle Ground design, which includes a new ...
Busy first week for our Facilities team! We're hard at work emptying classrooms, deep cleaning, and preparing for stripping and waxing. The Pond Cove gym floor replacement is well...
The Cape Elizabeth School Board invites you to a school building project Public Forum on June 24 at 6:00pm at Cape Elizabeth Town Hall . The presentation by Harriman will in...
Three student-athletes representing Cape Elizabeth competed in the Maine Special Olympics track and field event on June 7 - 8 (2024). Madison competed in the 50m run, shotput, and...
Congratulations to CEMS music educator Missy Shabo! On May 16 (2024), Ms. Shabo received the Maine Music Educators Association Middle School Educator of the Year award.
The Cape Special Olympics team, Allison Brooking, Madison Mills, Evan Zack, Emily Whalen and Henry Adams participated in the Cumberland County Special Olympics Swim Meet on April...