Pond Cove Elementary
Student & Family
Pond Cove Procedures and Expectations
Daily Schedule
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Student Attendance and Absences
Before and After School Care
School Closings
Before and After School Care
Behavioral Expectations
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Medical and Health Information
General Health Requirements and Information
Medication Policy
Health Screenings
Other Health Conditions
Head Lice
Healthy Celebrations Policy
Winter Weather Recess Guidelines
Emergency Dismissal
Evacuation Drills
Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Contact Information
Student Insurance
Sports Equipment
Label Personal Items
Lost and Found
Inclement Weather
Winter Recess
Playground Access
Student Eligibility for Travel and Conduct of Participants
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Parent/Teacher Conferences
When You Have Questions
Student Progress Reports
Access Your Child’s Progress Report
Response to Intervention
Gifted and Talented
Multilingual Learners
Special Education
School Counseling
Social Work Services
Electronic Devices
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Our Community Partners
Pond Cove Parents Association (PCPA)
Cape Elizabeth Educational Foundation (CEEF)
September 2023
Dear Families,
On behalf of the Pond Cove School faculty, we would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. We look forward to a productive and enjoyable year for all students in kindergarten through fourth grade.
This handbook will acquaint you with our school policies and procedures. Please take time to read it thoroughly. Pond Cove staff take great pride in working closely with families to provide a safe environment in which students can grow and learn. Thank you for supporting our school.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with questions you may have regarding your child’s experience at Pond Cove.
Tiffany Karnes
Sarah Forrey-Pettit
Assistant Principal
Office Contact Information
Main Office: (207)799-7339
Tiffany Karnes, Principal:
Sarah Forrey-Pettit, Assistant Principal:
Sarah Choi, Administrative Assistant:
Rachel Spinner, Administrative Assistant:
CAPE Schools Open Minds and Open Doors.
We empower students with the academic, personal and social knowledge and skills needed to build fulfilling and engaged lives.
Community: We value the connections among our school, local, and global communities that foster meaningful participation in a dynamic and diverse world.
Academics: We value rich and varied learning experiences that support critical thinking, perseverance, effective communication, and independent and collaborative work inside and outside of the classroom.
Passion: We value personal investment in learning in an environment that nourishes joy and creativity, protects risk-taking, and cultivates individual expression.
Ethics: We value decision-making and actions guided by the principles of personal integrity, empathy, responsibility, and respect for self and others.
Pond Cove is a secure facility with all doors locked during the school day. All parents, volunteers and visitors are required to ring the buzzer at the front door upon arrival. Office staff will view those requesting entry via video monitor prior to allowing access into the building. All parents, volunteers and visitors must go directly to the main office to sign in upon arrival and sign out when departing. All parents, volunteers, and visitors to the school also must wear a visitor’s tag while in the building. This is standard school procedure and is designed for the safety and security of our students, staff and volunteers. Parents, volunteers and visitors may only request access to enter the school at the front door. Entry via other school doors will not be permitted at any time. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in the interest of school safety and security.
Caregivers who need to drop off an item for their child should ring the buzzer at the front door. An office staff member will meet them at the door and deliver the item to the child.
During arrival and dismissal, we ask that parents say goodbye or greet their child only in the areas designated for families. These areas are outlined on maps in the Arrival/Dismissal section which starts on page 8 of this handbook. This keeps our campus organized and safe during arrival and dismissal. Thank you for your support in this effort.
Visitors to Pond Cove School may park in three visitor parking spots in the upper parking lot next to the middle school or the lower parking lot near the sports playing fields. Vehicles are prohibited from parking in the student drop-off/pick-up circle as well as in the bus circle near the flagpole. Accessible parking spaces are reserved only for vehicles with disability plates or placard that provide official authorization to park in those spaces. School parking is not permitted at the Thomas Memorial Library, the Fire Station, or the Police Station at any time.
8:25 AM Buses begin to arrive
Parents may drop students off (please do not drop off or leave children at the main doors until 8:25 AM when supervision is available). Students walk to classrooms
8:35 AM Official start to the school day
8:45 AM Morning Announcements
11:45-12:05: Kindergarten
12:13-12:33: Grade 1
12:41-1:01: Grade 2
12:28-1:48: Grade 4
12:55-1:15: Grade 3
Recesses All students will have two 20-minute recesses scheduled each day.
2:55 PM Dismissal
Daily Morning Arrival
All students who are transported to school by parents via car must be dropped off at the car line circle located near the middle school entrance. Students should not arrive earlier than 8:25 a.m. Staff supervision begins at that time. In addition, students who walk or bike to school should not arrive prior to 8:25 a.m. Once children riding bikes reach the sidewalk area near the parking lot stairs, they should dismount their bikes and walk. Bicycles should be placed in the racks located near the front of the school. We strongly encourage students to lock their bicycles as the school cannot be responsible for the loss of personal items. Please remember that Maine has a law requiring children to wear bike helmets.
Each grade level has a designated entrance into the school. Once children arrive on campus, they will be directed to the door they will enter. Staff supervise children along each pathway students take.
We appreciate parents and guardians adhering to these procedures in the interest of student safety and school security.
Daily Afternoon Dismissal
The dismissal process begins at 2:55 p.m. We follow a strategic, phased dismissal process to ensure the safety of each child as they leave. School staff supervise children throughout dismissal. Due to our very busy dismissal procedures, and for the safety of all children, we kindly ask that all parents remain in designated areas throughout the dismissal process. These areas are outlined on the map(s) below. This ensures our children are safe, follow their dismissal plan, and allows for orderly and smooth egress during this busy time.
We have three categories of dismissal each day. These are (1) car line, (2) walker/biker, (3) bus. Each of these categories has its own set of procedures and processes. Please carefully read the information below so you know the process for the method of transportation your child will take. The Community Services and After School Programs each have their own process for picking up and supervising children during dismissal.
Car Line
All students being picked up in a car are considered car line dismissal. Car line dismissal includes only the students of parents who have made previous arrangements to pick up their child in a car. Car line is ONLY for students whose parents stay in their cars and drive through the car line. Students should load ONLY on the passenger side of the car.
Car Line Signs
Please place a medium-large sign on the passenger side or right side dashboard of your car with your child’s name and grade. This will help us expedite car line dismissal.
GRADE (e.g., Grade 1)
Car Line Map
Please refer to the photo below for the correct travel route for car line at arrival and dismissal time. Notice that students should only exit or enter a vehicle while in the orange zone and on the passenger side. The area students can load and unload in will be zoned off using orange traffic cones. Please do everything possible to ensure your child does not need to walk into the circle to load the car at dismissal. Take note that vehicles should enter and exit the campus following the routes indicated by the yellow and green arrows and should not travel through the staff and visitor parking lot to exit.
Students who will walk or bike home are designated as a walker or biker and are dismissed at the same time. If you have plans to meet your child who is walking or biking home, you will need to wait at the area near the stairs, please indicate “walker” or ”biker” on your child’s dismissal plans so they can come out at the designated time. Walkers and bikers will be dismissed around approximately 3:10 PM each day.
Please remind children they need to walk their bikes once they are on campus. Students at all grade levels are expected to exit the school through adult supervised, designated doors and may not cut through areas that are unsupervised or walk on undesignated paths.
Walker/Biker Map
The walker/biker map below outlines the riding/walking paths and parent meeting spot. The parent meeting spot is designated on the map below with a blue star, and parents are asked to gather only in this area when waiting for their child who is walking or biking home. We have designated routes (outlined in blue) that avoid Jordan way for walkers and bikers. It’s important to note that the Cape Elizabeth Fire and Police Departments have stipulated that Jordan Way and its sidewalk between the two stations are closed to vehicles and pedestrians for school arrival and dismissal. We also ask that parents avoid cutting through the bus circle in order to ensure the safety of those who are driving and loading buses.
Please note that car line pick-up is reserved only for children who will load into a car in the car line circle.
Special Note to School Bus Riders
Our buses are generally filled to capacity. Children are permitted to ride their usual bus home only. If you need to make arrangements for your child to be transported to another part of town, please call the bus transportation department (207-799-9574) to see if this is possible. This must be arranged ahead of time and not at the last minute. The school office does not have the authority to give permission for your child to switch buses.
Changes in a Student’s Usual Dismissal Routine
If you need to request an early dismissal or a change in usual dismissal procedures, notify the PC office via the PowerSchool Parent Portal by submitting a “change of dismissal”. Updates to dismissal plans need to be entered in PowerSchool by 11:00 AM Please click this link for further instructions. You may also email or call (207-799-7339). The portal opens the evening before your schedule change at 5:00 P.M. and closes at 11:00 A.M. the day of the change.
When you arrive at school to pick up your child, you must come to the front door or call the office from your car (visible to the office). We will then call your child’s classroom to have him/her sent to meet you. Please communicate all dismissal changes directly with the office and not with your child’s teacher. If last-minute changes occur, please call the Pond Cove office prior to 1:30 p.m. unless an emergency requires that changes be made beyond that time. Late changes are discouraged as they often cause confusion for children and staff.
If your child is going to be absent for the day or will arrive late to school, please alert the school. Please use the PowerSchool portal to communicate this. Alternatively, you may leave a message on the attendance line by calling (207-799-7339). Children arriving late for school will be marked tardy. They must check in at the office so that our staff can document their arrival.
For security reasons, if the school has not been notified of a child’s absence or tardiness by 9:45 AM, a text message will be sent informing you that your child has an unexcused absence. While we strongly discourage family vacations when school is in session, we understand time away is occasionally unavoidable. If you plan to be away, please notify the school of your child’s absence before departure. We appreciate the cooperation of all parents with these procedures for the safety and well-being of our students.
If your child attends Cape Care through Community Services and will be absent, please call their care providers at 799-4388 to also alert them of your child’s absence.
Please let us know when your child plans to attend an after school activity via the PowerSchool Parent Portal by submitting a “change of dismissal”. Please click this link for further instructions.
You may also email or call (207-799-7339). The portal opens the evening before your schedule change at 5:00 PM and closes at 11:00 AM the day of the change.
If you intend to pick up your child from school earlier than our regular dismissal time, please notify the office and if possible, your child’s teacher in the early morning, stating the reason for the early dismissal and the time your child will be picked up. You can also submit this change via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please click this link for instructions.
Parents also must come to the front door or call the office from their car (visible to the office) to dismiss their child. No child will be permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours unless accompanied by a parent or another adult designated by the parent or guardian.
The Cape Care program is under the direction of Community Services and is located in the Community Services Building. For complete information about this comprehensive before and after-school care program, call the Community Services organization directly at 799-2868. Pond Cove is not responsible for the programs or services offered through Community Services.
In the event of snow storms or other serious inclement weather conditions, the district will send a text and email message and post closing and/or delays on its home webpage. Other forms of school closure notifications include the following:
WCSH (NBC – TV Channel 6) – Text Message
WGME (CBS – TV Channel 13) ‐ Text Message
WMTW (ABC – TV Channel 8) ‐ Email or Text Message
On occasion we may utilize a delayed opening on days of inclement weather. While this option is used sparingly, it can allow us to salvage an educational day when faced with certain weather/road conditions.
Community Services closures will be provided on the Community Services Web page
The Pond Cove School Community uses a framework of expectations and responses that we call “Peaceful Pond Cove” to ensure our students feel safe, supported, and ready to learn each day. Students are explicitly taught behavioral expectations that support students as they learn to be safe, respectful, and responsible citizens.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") provides certain rights to parents and eligible students (18 years of age or older) with respect to the student's education records.
Parents/eligible students may inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of making a request. Such requests must be submitted to the Superintendent or building administrator in writing and must identify the record(s) to be inspected. The Superintendent or building administrator will notify the parent/eligible student of the time and place where the record(s) may be inspected in the presence of school staff. Parents/eligible students may obtain copies of education records at a cost per page determined by the business manager.
Parents/eligible students may ask the School Department to amend education records they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's right to privacy. Such requests must be submitted to the Superintendent or building administrator in writing, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the Superintendent or building administrator decides not to amend the record as requested, the parent/eligible student will be notified of the decision, their right to request a hearing, and information about the hearing process.
The School Department must obtain a parent/eligible student's written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information in education records except in circumstances permitted by law or regulations as summarized below.
Directory Information
The School Department designates the following student information as directory information that may be made public at its discretion: name, participation, and grade level of students in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of student athletes, dates of attendance in the school unit, honors and awards received, and photographs and videos relating to student participation in school activities open to the public (except photographs and videos on the Internet). Parents/eligible students who do not want the School Department to disclose directory information must notify the Superintendent in writing by September 20th (or other date designated by the school unit) or within thirty (30) days of enrollment, whichever is later. This opt-out request will remain in effect unless and until it is rescinded.
Military Recruiters/Institutions of Higher Education
Military recruiters and institutions of higher education are entitled to receive the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary students and the School Department must comply with any such request, provided that parents have been notified of their right to request that this information not be released without their prior written consent. Parents/eligible students who do not want the School Department to disclose this information without their prior written consent must notify the Superintendent in writing by September 20th ( or other date designated by the school unit) or within thirty (30) days of enrollment, whichever is later.
School Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests
Education records may be disclosed to school officials with a "legitimate educational interest". A school official has a legitimate educational interest if they need to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility. School officials include persons employed by the School Department as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); members of the Board of Education; persons or companies with whom the School Department has contracted to provide specific services (such as attorneys, auditors, medical consultants, evaluators, or therapists); and volunteers who are under the direct control of the School Department with regard to education records.
Health or Safety Emergencies
In accordance with federal regulations, the School Department may disclose education records in a health or safety emergency to any person whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals without prior written consent.
Other School Units
As required by Maine law, the School Department sends student records to a school unit to which a student applies for transfer, including disciplinary records, attendance records, special education records, and health records (except for confidential health records for which consent for dissemination has not been obtained).
Other Entities/Individuals
Education records may be disclosed to other entities and individuals as specifically permitted by law. Parents/eligible students may obtain information about other exceptions to the written consent requirement by request to the Superintendent or building administrator.
Complaints Regarding School Department Compliance with FERPA
Parents/eligible students who believe that the School Department has not complied with the requirements of FERPA have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. The office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave, SW, Washington DC 20202
As there are students in our school with compromised immune systems, it is crucial that you adhere to the Pond Cove Illness Guidelines whenever your child is unwell. These guidelines will assist you in determining when it is appropriate for your child to stay at home or attend school without posing a risk to others.
Medication Policy
School Board policy JLCD regulates the use of medication in school. Medications that are necessary for the student’s health and attendance in school, must be sent in the original container labeled with the student’s name, name of medication, amount to be given, and time of administration. An adult should bring the medication to the nurse’s office along with a permission form. The form can also be obtained through the nurse’s office. A child may self-administer medication in the presence of the school nurse with the written approval of the parent/guardian and the prescribing physician. Before a student can self-administer a medication, appropriate technique must be demonstrated to the school nurse by the student.
The school nurse will administer required medications only if a medication form has been completed and kept on file. The form can be obtained through the nurse’s office.
Health Screenings
Vision and hearing screenings are conducted in grades K, 1, and 3. Parents/guardians will be notified if a child does not pass the vision or hearing screening, so that they may initiate a professional examination by a specialist. Throughout the year, students in any grade may be screened per parent/guardian or teacher request.
If your child has a known allergy that might require medical attention in the event of accidental exposure to the allergen, it is important for the school to be notified of the allergy so that an emergency action plan can be put into place for your child by the School Nurse. The school staff is trained to recognize signs of an allergic reaction and are educated on the necessary steps to take in an emergency.
Due to many children having food allergies, we make sure that students do not share food nor do we allow food to be brought in for classroom celebrations, including birthdays. Please notify Pond Cove nurse Erin Taylor immediately if there are any changes or updates to your child’s health condition.
Other Health Conditions
Students may have new or pre-existing health conditions that warrant attention while at school. Again, please notify Pond Cove nurse Erin Taylor immediately if there are any changes to your child’s health condition.
Pond Cove School and the CESD continue to follow the guidance provided by the US CDC, Maine CDC and the Maine Department of Education. Questions pertaining to COVID-19 should be directed to the school nurse.
Head Lice
From time to time, it may be discovered at home or at school that one or more students have head lice. Contrary to popular belief, schools are not the most common place where head lice is spread. Based on recommendations from the National Association of School Nurses, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Maine Center for Disease Control, Cape Elizabeth school nurses do not support a “no nit” policy. Rather, parents and guardians are contacted and advised on treatment options. Any student found to have head lice is handled in a confidential manner to minimize anxiety and embarrassment.
For many years, Pond Cove has followed guidelines that minimize and eliminate situations when food items are brought into school. We want our school to be a safe and comfortable environment for all students; and we have done this for a number of reasons, which reflect our value of respect for all:
To make classroom celebrations more equitable, and minimize disruption to the teaching day
To minimize non-nutritious foods being brought into school, and allow individual parents the opportunity to control how much and which foods their children eat during the school day
To increase the sensitivity of our community to the needs of our students who have health issues that affect their food intake - this includes students who have diabetes, as well as those students who have severe food allergies or celiac disease
We understand that food is part of our culture and a means to celebrate special occasions of all kinds. We also know that all of our children have celebrations with family and friends outside of school hours.
For the past few years, we have made the decision to not have any food in our classrooms, including candy for Valentine's Day. This does not mean that our children have not had fun class parties or celebrations. We have recognized birthdays and holidays with other activities, and small tokens. Instead of food, students have made craft projects during holiday celebrations and kids wear crowns or are the line leaders for the day on their birthdays. Parents sometimes choose to send in pencils, stickers, or a book for the classroom in honor of their child on their birthday. We have seen many creative ways to honor students on “their special day” without putting pressure on parents to send in cupcakes or cookies or purchase expensive Valentine's cards that include candy.
When we eliminate food from parties, lesson plans, and rewards, we are allowing all children to participate fully in the Pond Cove experience.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
The Pond Cove Wellness Committee
Currently, there are no national or professional standards that preclude sending children outdoors for recess. Decisions for indoor recess are made within each district by the school administrative team and health services.
At Pond Cove, decisions for outdoor winter recess are based on temperature, wind chill factor, the condition of the outdoor play surfaces, and student clothing.
The teaching staff at Pond Cove recognizes the importance of recess as an integral part of a student’s day at school. Research has proven that play and exercise during the school day help students to focus better on their school work. If students are unable to access the outdoors, teachers incorporate movement into their indoor recess time.
When deciding on outdoor recess, Pond Cove staff refer to: to check the actual temperature and the “feels-like” temperature with wind chill.
In an effort to keep all of the children at Pond Cove safe, students remain indoors when “feels-like temperatures” with wind chill are at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is important that students are prepared for the outdoor temperatures. This includes wearing snow pants, coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and boots.
Young children lose heat more rapidly than older children because of their size. Younger children are also less likely to recognize danger signs of cold exposure. When children are exposed to cold temperatures for an extended amount of time or are not properly dressed and have wet clothing, they are more likely to develop frostbite and hypothermia.
Recess during the winter months can be great fun for students if they are dressed appropriately. Thank you for partnering with us.
If emergency dismissal is necessary for any reason other than weather, a text and/or email message will be sent from the District Office. In rare cases, our dismissal location may change and you will be notified as soon as possible.
Evacuation drills are held in accordance with state law, and exit routes are clearly posted throughout the building.
Pond Cove utilizes an Emergency Response Plan developed by the district’s Emergency Management Team in the event of a crisis at any of our school campuses. The plan is developed by school and district staff in consultation with local police and fire officials based on templates and information developed by federal and state emergency management officials. To safeguard the safety and security of students and staff, the plan is a confidential document.
The poster below will be visible around the school for quick reference in a real emergency.
Emergency contact information should be entered and kept up to date in PowerSchool. This is the information the school and district will use to contact authorized individuals in case of an emergency.
Student accident insurance is available for Pond Cove students at parents’ expense. Application forms are sent home with students on the first day of school.
Students should leave toys at home to prevent distraction from teaching and learning. Teachers should encourage students to leave these items at home and should notify parents of this expectation throughout the school year as needed.
Toys may include but are not limited to, the following: trading cards, marbles, balls, fidget spinners, frisbees, action figures, yo-yos, etc.
Please let students know this expectation at the start of the year and that the school will not be responsible for lost or stolen toys. Teachers may confiscate these items and require that parents pick them up in person. Parents should always be notified by the teacher when a toy or electronic device is confiscated.
The only exception to this is when teachers decide to allow students to bring a stuffy to school. In this case, students should be taught the expectations for having a stuffy at school, including where it should rest throughout the day. Stuffies need to remain in the classroom or a student locker during recess and lunch times and should not accompany students to their allied arts classes unless coordinated with that teacher.
While students are permitted to bring sports equipment, games, or books from home, please remember that any belongings brought to school should be something suitable for safe use in a large group of children. Trading cards (e.g., pokemon, sports, etc.), bats, and hard balls (basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, roller skates, skateboards, hockey, or lacrosse sticks are not allowed on school grounds.
Any personal items brought from home such as coats, hats, gloves, lunch bags/boxes, water bottles should be labeled with your child’s name on them. The district is not responsible for loss or damage to personal possessions brought to school by children. We strongly discourage students from bringing valuable items to school. If you are unsure as to what is appropriate, please contact your child’s teacher for clarification.
Inevitably, your child may come home without his/her lunchbox or express that he or she has lost a mitten or two. Any items left behind in the classrooms, hallways, buses, or on the playground are placed in the “Lost and Found” area located near the stairs in the main lobby. Please encourage your child to check this area as soon as possible when noticing a loss. This area is periodically cleaned and items remaining are donated to charitable organizations after sufficient notification has been communicated through our newsletters and through the PCPA. If items are left on a school bus and your child notifies the office upon arrival to school, we will notify the transportation department to have them retrieve a specific lost item. If your child discovers that an item was left on the bus upon arrival home, please contact the transportation office at 799-9574. You will greatly increase the odds of your child recovering lost items if the items are labeled with your child’s name.
It is important to have your child select clothing that is appropriate for the weather each day. Closed-toe footwear such as sneakers and other sturdy shoes are most appropriate for outdoor play. Please do not allow your child to wear sandals, clogs, flip-flops, and other open shoes to school that can make for injury-prone conditions and inhibit active play. Warm coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens are necessary during the cold winter months. If purchasing appropriate winter clothing is a hardship for your family, please contact the Pond Cove school counselors, our social workers, school nurse, and/or building principals so that we can provide confidential assistance. To promote independence, please practice the skills of zipping and shoe-tying at home. Please also remember that sneakers are required for physical education classes.
Students in grades kindergarten through four have two 20-minute recess scheduled each day. All other recess breaks are scheduled at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
Students will go outside for recess under most weather conditions, including in the winter months. Indoor recess will be implemented if the playground is icy, excessively muddy, or otherwise unsafe.
At Pond Cove, decisions for outdoor winter recess are based on temperature, wind chill factor, the condition of the outdoor play surfaces, and student clothing. If students are unable to access the outdoors, teachers will incorporate movement into indoor recess time.
When deciding on outdoor recess, Pond Cove staff will refer to to check the actual temperature and the ‘feels-like’ temperature. Students will remain indoors when temperatures, including ‘feels-like’ temperatures are 0ºF or below.
During winter months, students must wear snow pants, coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and boots at recess.
The playground is closed to the public, including the families of students, while school is in session. For the safety of all children, parents/guardians/non-school age siblings should refrain from visiting the playground during school hours.
Field trip permission forms are sent home with each student for each planned field trip. Please complete the form and return it to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible. Students without a signed form will not be permitted to attend the field trip.
Students who travel under the name of the school and adults who supervise that travel become role models for others and help establish and maintain the reputation of the school and district. Behavior and conduct of students and chaperones fall under the rules and policies of the school, district, and Maine law. Student members of the travel group who violate applicable behavior expectations may not be allowed to participate in future trips for the remainder of the school year. In the case of serious violations raising safety or health concerns, the staff member shall immediately consult with the principal to determine an appropriate response, which may include sending the child home.
School Board Policy IHOA - Student Eligibility for Travel and Conduct of Participants
School meals will be available to students at no charge this year regardless of household income. In years past, parents were asked to pre-ordered student lunches through the Nutrislice app. This is no longer necessary. Students eating hot lunch will be able to choose a lunch option of their choice from the lunch line.
Our food services department meals that meet nutrition standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If a child has a disability, as determined by a licensed medical authority, and the disability prevents the child from eating the regular school meal, substitutions may be made as prescribed by a licensed medical authority. If a substitution is needed, there will be no extra charge for the meal. Please note, however, that the school is not required to make a substitution, unless it meets the definition of disability and supported by a complete medical statement form signed by the local medical authority.
Families may check the daily breakfast and lunch menu by visiting this site: Daily Breakfast and Lunch Menus.
Your child will have a snack break each morning in the classroom. Please provide a healthy snack for your child each day. For children new to eating lunch at school, it can be helpful to label which packed foods are for snack and those that are for lunch.
Communication between school and home is important and necessary. Please provide your child’s teacher with the best way and time to reach you: email, home/work/cell phone, etc. Make sure that the emergency contact information in PowerSchool is current and, should it change during the year, that you update the information immediately in PowerSchool and also notify the office and your child’s teacher of that change in writing and/or via email.
Anytime that your child needs to bring money to school – for field trips, book orders, etc. please put this money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and indicate the use for the money. As with other written communication, including homework, it is best to put in envelopes or folders and place it securely in a backpack.
Communication is maintained throughout the school year by parent-teacher conferences and report cards, as well as phone conversations and email when necessary. Principal’s Notes, along with other informational notices, are sent home electronically each week. Communication from teachers to their respective families will be sent home weekly. Some staff maintain active blogs and/or private Instagram accounts to communicate classroom news.
If your child is on an individualized education plan (IEP) or a 504 plan please contact any of the following staff should you have any questions, concerns or other need for communication: your child’s case manager, the special education teacher or support service provider who is delivering services to your child and/or the assistant principal and principal.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice a year, each fall and spring. Parent-Teacher Conferences provide valuable time to review and discuss student progress and ongoing goals. In addition to Parent-Teacher Conferences, parents may request to meet with their child’s teacher at mutually agreed upon times throughout the school year, as necessary.
In order to keep small problems from becoming big ones, we try to resolve difficulties at the appropriate level as soon as possible. First, contact your child’s teacher directly if you have a school concern as they are often closest to the information needed. If you do not feel that your concern is being addressed or would prefer to speak with another staff member, please contact one of the principals, a school counselor and/or one of our social workers. As always, we are here to help and want to investigate and resolve any problems in a confidential and expeditious manner.
Formal student progress reports are available to parents via PowerSchool in the winter and spring. These reports include information on your child’s academic progress as well as work habits. As the reporting period approaches, parents will receive notification from the office.
To access your child’s report card:
1 Go to the PowerSchool parent portal website -
*If you already have an account, log in with your username and password.
Remember that usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
*If you have not created an account, click on the 'Create an Account' tab.
There is a Single Sign On functionality that allows for all parent/guardian students to be associated with just one login. You will need your original parent username and password for each child.
*If you have questions, click 'CESD-FAQs' found near the top of the PowerSchool Portal home page. Here you will find information on changing your username and password.
2 Click on 'Report Card' and select the appropriate year.
Pond Cove School posts grades as pdf files twice a year, in winter and in spring. All previous grade reports are always available on the portal.
Pond Cove has a Student Support Team (SST) that is comprised of teachers, specialists, and administrators. The SST meets weekly to review student data, discuss student observations, and make decisions about interventions for students who may benefit from support for academics, social-emotional, and/or behavioral expectations. Support is provided through a three-tiered framework. Depending upon individual student’s personalized learning plan, a student may receive support within the classroom and/or through pull-out interventions. Specialists in literacy, math, social-emotional, and behavioral interventions provide guidance and support to students and classroom teachers.
Cape Elizabeth is committed to addressing the academic/social-emotional needs of all gifted and talented students in grades three through twelve. We will identify eligible students as gifted and provide differentiated instruction in the regular classroom through acceleration, enrichment, and/or project-based learning.
Students with limited English proficiency are fully included in general education classrooms. Depending upon their respective levels of English proficiency that are determined by language proficiency assessments, students may be identified to receive support from our ML teacher. Translators for parents of ML students may be arranged when necessary for parent teacher conferences and for ML student progress meetings that are held to discuss a student’s programming and progress.
A full continuum of special education services for students with identified disabilities is available through the Cape Elizabeth School Department in accordance with Maine Special Education Regulations and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). More information may be obtained by calling the Superintendent’s Office.
Our school counselors deliver guidance lessons to all K-4 classes throughout the school year to foster healthy peer relationships, address common childhood social issues, and promote expected student behaviors. She also meets with individuals and small groups for short-term interventions and is a resource for parents.
Our social workers offer a range of social work services to students who may benefit from more long-term social and emotional support.
The goal of the Cape Elizabeth School Department is to place each student in a class that will best serve his or her academic, social, and emotional development. In order to accomplish this goal, we observe the following placement guidelines:
We manage this process with the greatest of care. Our aim is to provide each child with an optimal
learning experience. As we begin to develop class lists we will collect all relevant information in order to
create balanced classrooms for students. The process we follow for class placement is outlined below.
Step 1: Classroom teachers work within their grade level team to draft class lists. This allows each teacher,
who works closely with each family and is the most familiar with a student, to make expert decisions about
where students will be the most successful. This is especially relevant to peer relationships and learning
dynamics. Our Multilingual Learners (ML), gifted and talented, and special education staff look over these
draft lists and provide feedback to teachers about the placement of students who receive those services.
This helps inform the design of class lists. Other considerations for creating balanced classes include the
Academic mix
Personality and learning styles
Peer relationships
Class size
Special needs
Step 2: Grade level teams submit their first draft of class lists to principals and the counseling team. Once
reviewed, the lists are then shared with the school nurse and the following teams: allied arts, response to
intervention, ML, gifted and talented. These individuals look over the lists and provide input and feedback
to the grade level teams.
Step 3: Classroom teachers review the input and feedback from the nurse, and the allied arts, response to
intervention, ML, and gifted and talented teams. Any needed adjustments are made by classroom teachers
based on the feedback. Revised class lists are submitted to administrators and the counseling team for
final review.
Step 4: As new students register over the summer months, principals and the counseling team place those
students in classes.
Step 5: Class lists are shared with families in early August.
The overarching goal in our placement process is to create an optimal learning environment for every
student. At Pond Cove, we are fortunate to have an exceptional group of teachers and support staff to work
with students and families, and each one of our staff members will have an opportunity to review draft lists
and provide feedback.
This is an important process that needs to be fair, consistent, and student focused. Our staff will work hard
to ensure your child is placed appropriately.
Parent Involvement: After teacher assignments are announced in August, we will provide
parents/guardians with the essential opportunity to use a Google Form to share valuable insights about
their child that will help them be successful in their new grade. This will be shared with the child’s new
If you have considerations for next year that you would like to share, please reach out to your child’s
classroom teacher directly. We are unable to honor positive peer or preferred teacher requests.
Meaningful homework provides students with opportunities to practice what they have learned in school, develop good study habits, and share their learning at home to make connections and strengthen what they have been taught. Your child’s teacher will provide you with information at the start of the school year regarding homework expectations. We ask that you help your child establish a routine to complete homework so that it can be returned to school on time. If you notice that your child’s homework is too challenging to complete independently and/or is taking an unusually long time to complete, please contact your child’s teacher to discuss modifications that may be necessary.
Students must leave all personal electronic devices at home. This includes cell phones, iPads, smart
watches any other electronic device that is not provided by the school. If students bring a cell phone or
SMART watch to school as a means of communicating with family members after school, students must
leave the phone securely in their backpacks during the school day. The school is not responsible for lost,
stolen or damaged personal electronic devices.
Some students bring cell phones or smartwatches in their backpacks to school as a means to communicate with family members after school. Student cell phone use is not allowed during the school day and any cell phones that students bring to school must be kept securely in their backpacks and turned off. V-Tech/Apple watches or other similar devices with access to the network are not permitted at school. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal cell phones.
The Pond Cove Parents Association (PCPA) plays a vital role at Pond Cove School in supporting teaching, learning, and school/community relations through organizing numerous family and school events, fundraising and providing generous support through grants that enhance our curriculum and provide exciting educational opportunities for our students. The PCPA publishes a meeting schedule each year. For more information please visit its website at Parents of Pond Cove students are strongly encouraged to join the PCPA and to take part in its numerous activities. Meeting notices are published in the PCPA online newsletter, as well as in the weekly Pond Cove newsletters.
The Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization of community members committed to fostering innovation and excellence in Cape Elizabeth schools by
Funding initiatives that fall outside the school budget
Partnering with the school district to help achieve its vision
Building community-wide support for the benefit for our schools
As a result, Pond Cove has benefited greatly from the generosity of CEEF and its donors to help fund innovative projects that have enhanced our students’ educational experiences.
Early Release Days (Teacher Professional Development):
Pond Cove students are dismissed at 11:55 AM
December 8
February 2
April 11
May 3
Professional Development Days (No School For Students):
No School For Students
October 6
March 8
June 14
Parent/Teacher Conference Days:
October 26 - Half day for students (students dismissed at 11:55 AM.)
October 27 - No school for students
March 20 - Half day for students (students dismissed at 11:55 AM)
Progress Reporting Dates:
February 2, 2024
Last Day of School, June 2024