Teachers from area schools participated in a workshop with representatives from ExcEL Leadership Academy which offers micro-credentials for teachers seeking professional development in education of multilingual (English language learners) students. ExcEL Leadership Academy is a national model which was created and based on the best practices for serving English language learners.
The event was held at Cape Elizabeth High School.
Mrs. Jenning's first grade students enjoy creating Cardinal Handprint Art. The tree stays up all year and the students change the handprint art to match the seasons. They look forward to what will be the next handprint for the tree.
The video recording of the Nov 30 CE SBAC Public Forum [State of the School Buildings with the team from Harriman] is available here https://bit.ly/3Rn08L0
Pond Cove Elementary Cozy/Silly Sock Day. Monday, December 4. Wear your favorite cozy/silly socks to school. Bring a pair (or more) of warm/wool winter socks to donate to Preble Street. Donations can be given to your classroom teacher of the Pond Cove Main Office.
SBAC Public Forum tonight (11/30) in Town Hall at 6:30pm. Current state of the school buildings, school needs, and best practices in future-focused schools with the team from Harriman. Remote participation is also avail via link on the Town site - https://bit.ly/3Ro0Ojl
Here is the link to this week's Principal's Notes. https://www.smore.com/hgemv
We are starting school at the regular times this morning despite some power outages around town. Our schools have power. We appreciate your extra efforts getting to school today.
School Board Workshop Tues, Nov 28 at 6:30pm CEHS Library. fmi https://bit.ly/47guLY0
Here is the link to this week's Principal's Notes. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. See you all back at school on Monday, November 27, 2023. https://www.smore.com/rcq6x
Public Forum: Nov 30 at 6:30pm in Town Hall. SBAC's ‘Current State of the School Buildings, school needs, and best practices in future-focused schools’ with the team from Harriman.
The video recording of the Nov 16 CESBAC Public Forum [Meet the Architect and Q&A with the team from Harriman] is available here https://bit.ly/3MOFHng
The video recording of the Nov 17 CESBAC Public Forum [Meet the Architect and Q&A with the team from Harriman] is available here https://bit.ly/3MOFHng
School Board Business Mtg Tues, Nov 14 at 6:30pm CE Town Hall fmi https://bit.ly/40z2w4n
Please join us Nov 16 at 6pm for CE SBAC's Meet the Architect Presentation with the team from Harriman. FMI https://bit.ly/40vcMKS
Dear Staff,
There will be no conferences today (Thursday Oct. 26th) due to the ongoing manuhunt. We will work to reschedule. Tomorrow, conferences are still on, pending more information. Thanks for your understanding and flexibility. Our hearts go out to our fellow Mainers.
Cape Elizabeth Schools will be closed today, Thursday October 26, 2023. Stay Safe.
Spring 2023 Maine Through Year results for Grades 3-8 & 10 are now available. More information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gkMGHra-1KTC0EH9tF9W4539WT0tMvI80eUOwdgvHLc/edit?usp=sharing
Congratulate Caidi Staples for out-fishing all of the other Adventure Students this morning with a homemade "Stick" Fishing Rod- from a Kayak!!!
Here is the link to this week's Principal's Notes. https://www.smore.com/rsw94
New fencing around the Pre-K playground has been installed!