Unfortunately, due to a major water break in CE, all three schools will be closing today. MS and HS will be dismissed at 9:45 am, PC at 10:25 am. We know this is an inconvenience and appreciate your support and flexibility. Parent pick up will run as it typically does.
School Building Project Fiscal Sub Cmte 6:30pm on June 9. All are welcome. FMI inc Zoom link, visit https://www.cape.k12.me.us/
School Building Project Oversight Cmte 6:30pm on June 2. All are welcome. FMI inc Zoom link, visit https://www.cape.k12.me.us/
The 5/26/22 District DEI Cmte mtg has been postponed. FMI please visit our website https://www.cape.k12.me.us/events?id=9792460
Click on the link below to read the latest blog about the School Building Project! The next Public Forum is June 15th!
Join us for the Design Workshop where we invite you to add your voice to our upcoming School Building Project, through small group sessions with the architects! School tours begin at 5:30pm, with the Workshop following at 6:30pm. All are welcome!
Pond Cove was determined by MCDC to be in outbreak status on 5/9/22. Therefore all students, staff, and visitors at Pond Cove are required to wear masks starting on 5/11/22 until the outbreak status is lifted by the MCDC.
SCHOOL BOARD Reg Business Meeting Tues, May 10 6:30PM Town Hall. Masks Strongly Encouraged in Town Hall. FMI https://bit.ly/3KVQys5
SCHOOL BOARD Workshop Meeting Mon, April 25 7:00PM* CEHS Library. [*Workshop will begin immediately after the budget presentation to theTC which begins at 6pm.] fmi https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/313228
SCHOOL BOARD Reg Business Meeting Tues, April 12 6:30PM Town Hall. Exec Session immediately precedes. fmi https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/312196
CE SCHOOL BOARD Regular Business Meeting
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 6:30 PM - Town Hall
Click the following link to review the agenda and supporting documents: https://www.cape.k12.me.us/browse/300757
PikMyKid is coming to Pond Cove. PikMyKid allows parents to communicate how kids will be picked up. For those in the car line, parents can announce when they arrive. For parents who need to change how a kid is picked up, they can easily and securely do so. More to follow.
Today's District DEI Committee meeting is canceled due to the last minute unavailability of the Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent.
Good Morning! Due to inclement weather, all CESD Schools will be closed today January 7, 2022.
7th Grader Ella Riley, who is an enthusiastic art student in Mrs. Lawler-Rhoner's class, stopped in to Central Office to help Jen Lakari ring in the New Year with some celebratory artwork on the chalkboard.
Due to inclement weather, all CESD schools will be closed today, Wednesday 12/22/2021.
Just a quick reminder that pooled testing will not occur this week due to the holiday, it will resume after the New Year! Have a safe and wonderful break!
Click the following link to review the minutes and/or watch the video of the District Planning Committee Meeting from December 7, 2021: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1734040/DPC_12_7_2021_Minutes.pdf
Click the following link to review the reference map for the possible site location of the proposed building project:
The CEEF Holiday Red Apple Award program makes it easy for parents to say thank you to and recognize the people who have had a positive impact on their students this fall. Click the link to nominate your favorite district employee!